Built at a cost of just over $20.7 million, the multi-focused complex brings modern indoor and outdoor facilities together on one site -located on Hicks ...
TSB Bowl of Brooklands Taranaki’s largest and most iconic concert venue, the TSB Bowl of Brooklands is situated within Pukekura Park. With the natural amphitheatre ...
Built on three piers that stretch over the water’s edge, the hotel’s panoramic water views framed by floor to ceiling glass bring the tranquil elements ...
Trailways Hotel is a locally owned and operated 47 room hotel in the central city of Nelson. Over looking the Maitai River and just a few minutes’ walk ...
Located in Manurewa, South Auckland, Tōtara Hospice Conference Room offers a competitively priced, convenient and professional conference venue with all the facilities and equipment required ...
The Genevieve Bectoft Auditorium is a large fully-featured theatre-style space that can accommodate up to 190 people. It’s perfect for presentations, panel discussions or conferences. The ...
The Pavilion is usually installed on Old Government House Lawns for a minimum of three event seasons a year: summer (February, March), autumn (April, May) ...